Carnegie Mellon University

Limited Submissions

The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of Sponsored Programs manage certain funding opportunities for which the university is allowed a limited number of applicants. Below you will find current, anticipated and past limited submission funding opportunities as well as more information about the limited submission process.

Current and Anticipated Opportunities

Past Opportunities

See a calendar view of limited submission opportunities here.

What is a Limited Submission?

A limited submission refers to a funding opportunity where a sponsor or donor limits the number of proposals an institution can submit.

The process for selecting researchers to submit on behalf of CMU varies depending on the level of interest shown for individual competitions. Typically, the process consists of the following steps:

  • Interested researchers submit an email of intent (1st internal deadline). Emails of intent should include names of participating researchers and a brief description of the proposed work.

Researchers submit a much more detailed pre-proposal of their intended work (2nd internal deadline).

Unless otherwise stated in the campus announcements and communications, all internal applications should include:

  • Title/Cover page: Project title, list of investigators & their affiliations, and a short abstract of ~200 words.
  • Project Narrative: Up to 4 pages, minimum 11 pt font and 1-inch margins (including figures & tables, excluding references), describing the proposed project and addressing the evaluation criteria set by the sponsor in their funding opportunity announcement/solicitation.
  • References 1-page maximum
  • Budget: 1 page with brief justifications capturing the major categories of expenses, the amount received by each participating institution
  • OPTIONAL Statement on Impact on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: (1 page) If the sponsor does not have its own related evaluation criteria, we encourage you to prepare a 1-page statement addressing how your proposed project will positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion in the local, regional, national or global community.

Materials should be prepared as a single PDF document and submitted using the Limited Submission Pre Proposal form. Please send any questions to

*Note: If you miss the 1st Internal Deadline, please email Limited Submissions prior to submitting a pre-proposal to confirm there is space available.

  1. The Office of the Vice President for Research conducts a selection process to determine which of the submitted pre-proposals will be invited to move forward in the general competition.

  2. Selected nominees are notified by the Office of the VP for Research. All researchers who submit a pre-proposal will receive feedback regarding their application.

In the event that there is limited interest in a specific opportunity, the competition may remain open past the stated deadlines. In such cases, applications will be processed in order of receipt until the maximum number of proposals have been accepted for submission. Please see the listings below to determine the status of individual opportunities.

If you have any questions or become aware of a limited submission opportunity not listed here, please email Limited Submissions.