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Carnegie Mellon University

Tepper Alumni Board Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

In September 2020, the Tepper Alumni Board announced its intention to foster a more diverse and inclusive environment at the Tepper School. Our first step was to establish a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee within the broader Alumni Board.

The Committee continues to implement a core set of initiatives that will put our Tepper community on a more just and equitable path for the future.

Current Initiatives

Tepper Candidate (Prospective Students) Pipeline Development

Goal: Increased URM population enrollment by leveraging the alumni’s personal and professional networks and organizational channels to broaden and strengthen the prospective student pipeline.

Contact: Pradeep UN (‘03’), Justin Kaufman (‘04’)
Email Tepper Alumni Relations to contact Pradeep or Justin.

Please don’t hesitate to send perspectives/input on the best way to attract URM (Underrepresented Minority) candidates from your organizations.

Current Progress

  • Board members informally identified 2-3 potential Tepper candidates within their respective organizations.
    • Two ‘Big 4’ consulting firms.
    • One technology provider.
    • One bank headquartered in Pittsburgh.
  • Confirmed that a grassroots approach within the organizations was integral to the initiative vs. formalized programs.
  • We will now expand across Board member organizations throughout the spring/summer months for 2023 enrollment, as well as Pittsburgh HQ’d organizations.
  • Mid-fall rollout guidance to all of the Tepper community, companies we all work for, for referrals, e.g., filling the candidate pipeline.

Diversity Program Support

Goal: Increased enrollment of the URM population by promoting awareness of and support to the existing programs designed to attract and retain a more diverse population to the Tepper program.

Contact: Jack O’Malley (‘15)
Email Tepper Alumni Relations to contact Jack.

Current Progress

  • Held multiple working sessions with Admissions to better understand the process associated with expanding and improving the pipeline of prospective URM candidates.
  • Strategized with key faculty in the DE&I space about furthering education and building a successful URM support infrastructure at the Tepper School of Business.
  • Drafting approach to work with the Graduate Business Association and Tepper clubs in the fall 2021 class(es).
  • Collaborating with another business school on the west coast to mentor URM students, teaming alumni from both schools.

Dedicated Career Mentoring Program

Goal: Ensure that all students have equitable access to the alumni network by providing URM students and marginalized students with more direct access to a broader, more diverse alumni network. The commitment is to a multi-year strategy of providing advice to and partnering with them as they navigate their chosen path.

Contact: Russ Ewing (‘96)
Email Tepper Alumni Relations to contact Russ.

Current Progress

  • Formed a working group of alumni, staff, and faculty dedicated to initial design, structure, and management.
  • Gathering information via a formal inquiry from both mentees and mentors to help design a robust program that establishes and meets participant expectations.
  • Working with Rosalind Chow, Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory, to establish a formal online orientation and training program for participants.
  • We are in the early stages of the formation and design of the program and have identified alumni willing to serve as mentors at the launch. We expect that as the program expands, so too will the need for alumni mentors.

Diversity Giving Support

Goal: Promote and directly impact the expansion of financial support for fellowships and scholarships, which support enhancing diversity within the program.

Contact: Russ Ewing (‘96) (Steve Schultz)
Email Tepper Alumni Relations to contact Russ and Steve.

Current Progress

  • Members of the Alumni Board have personally committed to increasing their giving to fellowships and scholarships targeted at improving diversity equity and inclusion at the program.
  • Working with the administration on facilitating improved awareness of, and contribute to, existing Diversity and Inclusion targeted funds (i.e., better website visibility and access, messaging, and promotion during reunion campaigns).
  • Seeking additional ways to promote a broader knowledge of fellowships and scholarships to potential applicants to the program.

Statement of Assurance

The initiatives set forth above are consistent with the commitments made in the University’s Statement of Assurance. Specifically, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission, employment, or administration of its programs or activities based on race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status, or genetic information. Furthermore, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and is required not to discriminate in violation of federal, state, or local laws or executive orders.